Few peoples have been more often discussed than the English. In the history of human society for several centuries England has been among the principal world energies: Englishmen have often, and in a variety of fields, been either leaders or valuable contributors of noteworthy progress.
-EDMUND BLUNDEN, Addresses on General Subjects
1 Few peoples have been more often discussed / than the English.
国民はより多く議論されるようなことはほとんどない / 英国人と比べて。
2 In the history of human society for several centuries / England has been / among the principal world energies:
数世紀の間の人間社会の歴史において / 英国は存在してきた/ 主な世界のエネルギーの中で。要するに、
3 Englishmen have often, and in a variety of fields, been / either leaders or valuable contributors of noteworthy progress.
英国人は、様々な分野において、しばしば存在してきた / 注目すべき進歩のリーダーあるいは価値ある貢献者として。