In order to master the English language thoroughly and, consequently, to be able to really appreciate English literature, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the Englishman’s character. It is hardly sufficient to know his manner of life without seeking to find out why he thinks and acts in the way he does.
-F. H. LEE, An English Country Calendar
1 In order to master the English language thoroughly / and, consequently, to be able to really appreciate English literature,
英語を完璧に習得するためには、 / そして結果的に英文学を本当に鑑賞できるためには、
2 it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the Englishman’s character.
3 It is hardly sufficient to know his manner of life / without seeking to find out why he thinks and acts in the way he does.
彼の生活様式を知るだけでは決して十分ではない / 彼がなぜそのように考え振る舞うのかを理解することを求めなければ